Every day, I remind my daughter to do something – it could be homework or practice the piano or if she has her lunch and water bottle. And she usually responds, “Oh~!” or “Oops!” or “Of course I have it!” with a big (I mean a big) grin on her face. But sometimes, I feel terrible for being like an iPhone notification. She probably sees a red badge with a number next to my head or perhaps like a nagging software update notification.

Then one day, she asked me if I could make her a TO-DO list. “I want it to be cute! And laminated. And I need a marker. And now, you don’t have to remind me!” she says with a big grin. So, I decided to make a TO-DO list that anyone can use, including me. (I myself tend to forget things and usually use the note app on my iPhone. )

This Olive Branch TO-DO list has three boxes in each row. Feel free to download the TO-DO list and use them however you like. Hopefully, this will make it easier to keep track of your everyday tasks. Keep organizing and carry on!