Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day! Today, I wanted to share how I decorated all-natural eggs with my kids (an eight-year-old plus a three-year-old) – the old fashioned way. I remember when I was a child, I painted hard-boiled eggs with my mom (or it may have been at school.) It was fun and cool, and it was easy!

That is how I remembered it, but the reality is…every part was challenging. First, I tried emptying the eggs. I wanted hollow eggs since I wanted to make easter eggs that we can keep. So, I tried poking a hole on the round side (not the pointed side), but my needles were too weak. (A pin would have been the best, but sadly I did not have one on hand.) I tried several different needles and used the thickest needle I had. And I finally poked a hole, however, the egg yolk and whites did not cooperate with me. I made a larger hole and shook the egg hard as I can – but no luck. After trial and error, I found that blowing into the egg with a straw worked the best. There is also a way to make two holes, one on the top and bottom, and blow all the egg yolk and whites. I preferred only to have one hole since I wanted to paint the top of the egg.

Before painting, clean the egg and let it dry very well. Spray on some alcohol to sanitize the egg. When painting the egg, use gouache or acrylic paint if you plan to paint something. Watercolors are great if you want abstract art. And make sure to keep the eggs dry while painting. If you make a mistake, use a wet cotton swab to correct your mistake, and wipe the excess moisture. Any moisture or water will ruin your art right away!

I had to re-paint several times, and my eldest daughter was going crazy since she had to re-do her eggs so many times. She decided to paint her egg all pink. My younger daughter seemed to have a lot of fun, considering that she wanted a purple egg.
During this project, my daughter accidentally dropped my brown egg and my egg has a dent at the bottom. The best part of the project is that we got to eat french toast, which was rewarding for our whole family! And follow me on my Instagram account @byasamihasegawa for more tips.