When the COVID-19 was becoming a problem in Japan, my parents told me that they were scarce on face masks, sanitizers, and yes – toilet paper. Knowing that it is uncommon to wear masks here in the United States, I didn’t really see it as a problem. Then I thought, why not make a few masks out of fabric and send it to my family and friends in Japan? That was in February.

Now fast forward to March, before the COVID-19 became a pandemic, I decided to make one for each of our family and friends. I still remember when the clerk at JoAnn’s Fabric asked me what I was making, and with hesitation, I told her I was making face masks. And just as I imagined, she gave me an odd face. And now that it is recommended to wear a face mask to protect others and ourselves, I thought it was time for me to share a face mask tutorial.

The best way to protect others and ourselves is to stay home, but of course, not all of us can stay home. There are many ways to make masks, even with household items such as paper towels, staples, and rubber bands, but the great thing about fabric face masks is that they are washable and reusable.

After working with this face mask pattern, I felt that this would be the easiest and comfortable face mask to make. In this tutorial, we will need a printed pattern, fabric, and elastic bands, and pencils, scissors, and a sewing machine. (but you can sew by hand too!) For the elastic band, my daughters insisted that the elastic would get uncomfortable, so I found a upcycle solution – grab an old leggings or stockings and use it as an elastic band. It may not look the best, aesthetic wise, but my daughters actually agreed that they were much more comfy. Please feel free to download the pattern, and I hope this tutorial and face mask pattern will be useful in these uncertain times.

Important reminders: Never touch the front of the mask. Remove mask by the elastic band. Always wash your hands after removing the mask. Wash or discard the mask after each use.
Materials Used
Elastic bands (or old leggings or stocking)