It’s April, and spring break is here! Since we are unable to travel or go out this spring, I am planning to celebrate spring in our own way. Hopefully, this will help us (and you) get in the Easter mood. Every year, we go out to a local egg hunt, but this year, I am planning to do one in our home.

Spring color palette is one of my favorite schemes, especially when it comes to illustrating and designing, and it always makes me feel good to create something with pastel colors and listening to Disney Jazz or Bossa Nova. For this project, I created little bunnies, eggs, and a carrot. During this challenging and unprecedented time, we need things to make us happy and positive – so, I decided to share my illustrations! Feel free to download and use them (for personal use) as wall decor, garland, and many more. And follow me on my Instagram account @byasamihasegawa for more tips.

Have fun using the plain eggs or decorate the eggs with your loved ones! My daughter loves to play with patterns and she was excited that her artwork will be featured in my blog. Enjoy!