Hello! With the “shelter-in-place” order, our family has been cooped up for more than two weeks. It feels like it’s been more than a month, and it surely does not feel like a vacation. While I am able to enjoy crafting and spending time with the kids, I have been working with them to keep on schedule and to get our tasks done. With my husband swamped with zoom meetings and my daughter joining zoom classrooms and other afterschool programs, it surely has been difficult to stay on track. So, I decided to make a schedule worksheet for the family.

Simply download the schedule printable and cut each activity and illustrations to fill in your schedule! Draw the hands on the clock, and let your kids learn telling time. I usually laminate all the worksheets so that I can reuse them. (These are only for personal use only.) And follow me on my Instagram account @byasamihasegawa for more tips and more.

My heart goes out to those, who are affected and impacted by the COVID-19 virus. Every family has its own challenges, and I truly hope that every family is able to overcome these unprecedented times. And please stay safe and well.
Oh my gooDness -YeS please!! DeDefinitely going to print a few of these out. Thank you again for sharing yet another great printable.
Thank you, Maritza! You are too kind! I hope that they work for you!